• +501 822-3669
Opening Hours Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Our Mission and Vision

Our Vision
Based on a review of its mandate and the context within which it is to be executed, the agreed PCC vision statement that guides the PCC-SP is:  The PCC will conduct a participatory, transparent and inclusive engagement with the people of Belize to inform the preparation of a high quality final report on a new or amended Constitution that objectively reflects the true will and aspirations of the Belizean people. 
Our Mission
The overall Mandate of the People’s Constitution Commission, as stated in the People’s Constitution Act, 2022 Section 6 (1), in effect, informs its mission.  The PCC is a temporary Commission mandated by the National Assembly and by law to, within 18 months:  Conduct a comprehensive review of the Belize Constitution.  Prepare and submit to the Prime Minister a final report on its findings of the review. 

A New Constitutional Reform Process for Belize

Forty-one years after enacting its Independence Constitution in 1981, the people of Belize have a new and second opportunity to engage in a comprehensive constitutional review exercise. On 14 November 2022, the Government of Belize officially launched the People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) after the enactment of the People’s Constitution Commission Act by the National Assembly of Belize in October 2022. The PCC Act mandates the PCC, comprised of a chairperson and twenty-six (26) Commissioners, to “draft and guide the process of promulgating a new Constitution for Belize or amendments to the Belize Constitution” (Introduction to the Act). 

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Meet the Commission

The commission is made up of various stakeholders that represent the country.