Category: Know Yuh Rights Campaign

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Know Yuh Rights Belmopan

Know Yuh Rights Belmopan

Friday, June 27th, 2023

A Huge Thank You to All who Joined us for the “Know Yuh Rights” Discussion! 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the enlightening “Know Yuh Rights” discussion at the Belmopan Civic Center and to those who live-streamed the event on Facebook. Your presence, whether physical or virtual, made this educational initiative on the rights of the Belize Constitution a tremendous success.
Special thanks to our presenter, Edd P. Usher LLB: LLM, for sharing your expertise and passion, enlightening us on constitutional rights. Your dedication to empowering the community is truly commendable.
Together, we are fostering awareness and respect for our rights, shaping a more inclusive future for all Belizeans.
Thank you, attendees and live-stream viewers, for participating and making a positive impact on our discussion. We noted all questions, concerns, and suggestions. Be on the lookout for more educational events, as we embark on this journey toward a more rights-conscious society.
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